
Warroom study guide
Warroom study guide

warroom study guide

Let Your Holy Spirit be my husband-appreciating coach, pointing out to me his noble and praiseworthy attributes. Ignite in me an unquenchable desire to see him as You see him. Show me where and when my thoughts about _ do not agree with Your thoughts. Transform my thoughts by the power of Your Word. When Your Thoughts About Your Husband Need to Change Scripture References: Colossians 3:9, Romans 12:2, Ephesians 5:21, Psalm 107:20 Send Your Word to heal us and deliver us from our destructive ways. I trust You are able to change our hearts and our minds. Your Word says we are to be subject to one another. I surrender my mind and personality to You. Please forgive me for employing the world’s ways instead of seeking You for answers and change. I’ve chosen to control and manipulate because I felt someone had to do something to right the wrongs in our marriage. I am guilty of creating a false sense of unity and peace. I confess to You, God, that I often hide the truth to control the atmosphere in our household and our circumstances. When Control and Manipulation are Present Scripture References: Psalm 143:6-7, Hebrews 13:4, Psalm 91:4, Philippians 1:9 I will wait in the shelter of Your wing for love to overflow between us. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, I will deny myself what the world offers, so I can receive all that You have to give us.

warroom study guide

I choose to honor the righteousness of Jesus by keeping our marriage bed pure. My soul tells me I deserve better than this. This war between us leaves me thirsty for love. God, I never expected to feel this empty and desperate for something different. Scripture References: John 4:1-42, Ephesians 4:15, Proverbs 18:21

warroom study guide

Help me follow Your lead, Jesus, and serve Your purposes in this marriage. Help me not to cooperate with the enemy who would love for my words to destroy his self-image and reputation. I want to be able to discuss our areas of conflict without disrespecting him. You simply offered her a different life, the rich life You offer to all of us. You presented the truth about her without shaming her. You spoke to her with gentleness and kindness. You demonstrated this honor when you approached the woman at the well.


Teach me, Lord, how to honor him when his behavior is dishonorable. Scripture References: Matthew 6:15, James 1:5, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 1 Peter 4:10 I trust that You have equipped me with good gifts, and You can make them a great blessing to my husband. Make me wise and disciplined to pray specifically and persistently for him. Counsel me to serve in ways that will have a profound impact and meet some of his deepest, even hidden needs. I need Your Holy Spirit to make me an effective helpmate. Please help me forgive my spouse for every snide remark, every dissatisfied comment, and his lack of attention to my efforts. Now, my heart is bitter and I grumble under my breath when doing even the smallest things. God, there was a time when I really enjoyed serving my spouse. Scripture References: Ephesians 6:12, Ephesians 1:19-20, Luke 1:37 Our hurt feelings, self-protective stances and harsh words are no match for your restoration power. I trust in Your resurrection power to restore loving kindness and passion in our sacred marriage. Please help him see this spiritual reality and make the same choice. I embrace the reality that my husband is not my enemy. I understand there is a spiritual war against my marriage and the evil one is at work to divide us. How do I choose to love someone who rejects me? The Scripture references listed will help you confirm the truths you are praying over your marriage are in agreement with God’s character, His ways and His will for you. If you are ready to join God in the fight for your marriage, you can take these nine prayers from my books, Hope for Your Marriage: 31 War Room Prayers and Prayers for New Brides: Putting on God’s Amor After the Wedding Dress, into your own war room. With that little notebook, I had a traveling war room. I didn’t have a prayer closet, but I pasted prayers into a little notebook and read them in restaurant parking lots, on the treadmill, and many other places. Just like Elizabeth, God sent me the incredible gift of a mentor who taught me to pray God’s Word aloud over myself and our marriage.


The movie is a must see!! The storyline brought me back to my own marriage crisis. Have you been inspired by the War Room movie to pray more fervently for your marriage?

Warroom study guide